Roland vst rapidshare library
Roland vst rapidshare library

Fixed: Download progress bar in Library doesn’t reset to 0% if the download is canceled.Fixed: Under rare circumstances, on a product details page, the Download button isn’t displayed.Fixed: RCM displays multiple Desktop Notifications of “Instrument installed” when detecting instruments already present in the system.Fixed: Filter popups can’t be kept open while a download is in progress.Fixed: RCM can’t enable autostart if some system folders aren’t present.Fixed: Under certain circumstances, a dot is visible below the Dock icon in macOS when it shouldn’t.Fixed: Tray Panel isn’t displayed in the front.Fixed: RCM’s Main Window doesn’t open when clicking on macOS’ Dock icon.Fixed: Under certain circumstances, during a purchase, RCM displays a semi-transparent panel over the Main Window.Fixed: Apple Silicon edition of RCM doesn’t autostart on non-admin accounts.

roland vst rapidshare library

  • Fixed: Tray Panel is displayed incorrectly on 4K monitors.
  • Fixed: Removed problematic menu to select a custom install location for RVR instruments.
  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, older versions of RCM fail to update.
  • Fixed: “Contact Support” panel text sometimes doesn’t fit on the panel.
  • Fixed: DAWs could hang for a while if a plugin is added while RCM is closed and there is no internet connection.
  • roland vst rapidshare library

  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, RCM will not allow some products to be released as part of The Pro Selector promotion.
  • roland vst rapidshare library

    Fixed: Under certain circumstances, RCM considers as installed instruments that are not installed.Improved: Reliability of the installation of plugins on macOS.Improved: Reduced authorization errors in RCM.New: RCM now displays a desktop notification when it self-updates.

    Roland vst rapidshare library