The first ARP instrument is interestingly a rare one due its lack of commercial success, yet the only model that got a visual exposure at a major Hollywood movie. This is the story of the instruments his company created during the 1970s and the wonderful range of music realized with them in the hands of skillful musicians. He christened it Tonus and later changed it to ARP, his childhood nickname (after Alan R. He decided to design his own electronic instrument and started a new company. In 1969, after spending the first part of his career developing amplifiers for purposes unrelated to the music industry, he heard Wendy Carlos’ Switched on Bach, the influential album that overdubbed multiple tracks played on a Moog synthesizer. With greater attention on the part of the engineer to the needs of the musician, the day may not be too remote when the electronic instrument may take its place as a versatile, powerful, and expressive instrument.” Quite a foresight that early on, 20 years before commercial electronic instruments hit the market. As a child he built amateur radios and in 1948, as a student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he wrote a paper on electronic music in which he said: “The electronic instrument’s value is chiefly as a novelty. A fascination with sound occupied his interest from an early age.

His father designed movie theater projectors and his grandfather made parts for phonograph machines. Alan Pearlman was destined to be an engineer since the day he was born.